Chattanooga is garnering major media attention through recent appearances by City Mayor, Tim Kelly and Qubitekk President and CEO, Duncan Earl, Ph.D., on two New York-based podcasts.
The mayor first appeared on the Bloomberg Businessweek podcast joined by hosts Carol Massar and Madison Mills. Kelly discussed the city’s economy, innovation, and environment while uplifting Chattanooga’s unique asset in EPB and commenting on how Chattanooga’s fast internet, affordability and greenspaces lead to a better quality of life.
“Bigger is not better – better is better. […] Chattanooga is a very green city; it’s a beautiful city. [..] The jewel in our crown is quality of life [..] We want to make sure we don’t endanger that.” Kelly said.
Listen to the interview in its entirety, here.
Kelly also appeared on a Light Reading podcast titled The Divide alonside host Nicole Ferraro. Here, Kelly discussed Chattanooga’s broadband evolution over the years and how gigabit-speed broadband has transformed the local economy – particularly in the wake of the pandemic and remote work.

He was joined by Earl who spoke on Qubitekk’s recent partnership with EPB to launch a quantum network in the city and the role quantum computing plays in Chattanooga’s digital future.
“Quantum requires some very specific requirements of the optical fiber that we use […] We were introduced to EPB in Chattanooga, and we were just blown away with the capabilities. We hadn’t heard of them before, but it quickly became clear that they were just a world-class fiber optic network that was unparalleled in the United States,” Earl said.
Listen to the interview in its entirety, here.