
Mayor Andy Berke Issues Shelter in Place Order for Chattanooga

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (April 2, 2020) — Today, Chattanooga Mayor Andy Berke signed Executive Order 2020-06, which directs everyone in Chattanooga to observe a comprehensive shelter in place order. 

The Order also restricts non-essential travel, suspends access to city-owned public spaces, closes all non-essential businesses, and closes child care programs that aren’t serving essential personnel. 

“I know how disruptive and painful these actions will be for many, many Chattanoogans but the fact is that the coronavirus is still infecting far too many people in our city far too quickly,” said Mayor Andy Berke. “Medical experts are telling us already that this disease has the potential to completely overwhelm our local hospital systems in the next several weeks. The health of our neighbors is at stake. We don’t have any time to waste, ” 

Executive Order 2020-06 takes several additional steps to protect Chattanooga residents and keep our community safe. These steps include:

  • Directing everyone in Chattanooga to observe a comprehensive shelter in place order. This means that all Chattanoogans must remain in their homes for all but the most critical activities — going to work at an essential business, getting groceries, or receiving medical attention.
  • Closing additional businesses and putting new health and safety requirements on businesses that must remain open. 
  • Closing child care centers and daycare centers to everyone except the children of essential personnel. 
  • Suspending access to city-owned parks and public spaces like the Walnut Street Bridge, Stringers Ridge, and Coolidge Park. 

A previous Executive Order had mandated the closure of non-essential businesses that could not comply with social distancing requirements. This order closes all non-essential as outlined by the Order, effective 12:01 a.m., Saturday, April 4, and follows the same guidelines for non-essential businesses as Governor Bill Lee’s Executive Order No. 22. 

“I need people to stay home,” Mayor Berke added. “We cannot have people gathering in public spaces just because they feel healthy right now. That mindset will place more people at greater risk for much longer.” 

To learn more about Executive Order 2020-06, visit

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