HAMILTON COUNTY, TN – The Hamilton County Health Department has received additional shipments of the COVID-19 vaccine and has added days to the appointment system.
New First Dose Vaccination Days Announced:
What: Hamilton County Health Department’s COVID-19 Vaccination Drive-Thru POD (Point of Dispensing)
Where: Tennessee Riverpark Hubert Fry Center, 4301 Amnicola Highway
Note: Enter the Riverpark near the Chattanooga State entrance; do not enter Chattanooga State. Look for signs.
Who: Individuals with Phase 1a1 or 1a2 status who live or work in Hamilton County.
Hamilton County residents 75 years of age or older.
When: January 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31 and February 7.
Register: Visit https://vaccine.hamiltontn.gov/ to register online; or call Emergency Management’s call center at [423-209-5399] if you do not have access to the internet. Bilingual staff are available.
Details: Proof of meeting phase criteria or residency must be shown at the entrance. Proof of eligibility can be a document showing current address, work ID, badge, letter or
email from your employer, or a pay stub. Must show proof that you either live or work in Hamilton County.
New Second Dose Vaccination Days Announced:
What: Hamilton County Health Department’s COVID-19 Vaccination Drive-Thru POD (Point of Dispensing)
Where: Carta Bus Barn, 1617 Wilcox Boulevard, Chattanooga, TN 37406
Note: Enter through the last gate at the corner of Scholar Avenue and Camden Street.
Who: Individuals with Phase 1a1 or 1a2 status who live or work in Hamilton County.
Hamilton County residents 75 years of age or older. Received first dose of Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine on January 4, 5 or 6th.
When: February 1, 2 and 4
Register: Visit https://vaccine.hamiltontn.gov/ to register online; or call Emergency Management’s call center at [423-209-5399] if you do not have access to the internet. Bilingual staff are available.
Details: Proof of meeting phase criteria or residency must be shown at the entrance. Proof of
eligibility can be a document showing current address, work ID, badge, letter or email from your employer, or a pay stub. Must show proof that you either live or work in Hamilton County.
Due to high call volume, callers may experience a busy signal and need to continue to call back. Once appointments have been filled, the caller will hear a recording, “The call center is closed and appointments have been filled.”
The vaccine distribution is guided by “phases” according to the State of Tennessee’s Vaccination Plan. Only those eligible in the current “phases” will be able to make an appointment. The current phases are 1a1, 1a2 (see below), and those who are age 75 years or over, and all must be a Hamilton County resident or work in Hamilton County.
Phase 1a1 groups:
- Hospital/Free-Standing Emergency Department Staff with Direct Patient Exposure and/or Exposure to Potentially-Infectious Materials
- Home health care staff
- COVID-19 mass testing site staff
- Student health providers
- Staff & Residents of Long Term Care Facilities
- (Skilled Nursing Facilities, Assisted Living Centers, Homes for the Aged, DIDD Residential Centers, Group Homes)
- First Responders with Direct Public Exposure
- Individuals >18yrs who cannot live independently due to serious chronic medical condition or intellectual or developmental disabilities
Phase 1a2 groups:
Other Health Care Workers with Direct Patient Exposure
- Primary care providers and staff
- Outpatient specialty providers and staff working with acute patients
- Pharmacists and staff
- Patient transport
- Outpatient therapists
- Urgent visit center providers and staff
- Environmental services
- Oral health providers
- Behavioral health providers
- Outpatient laboratory staff working with COVID-19 specimens
- Funeral/mortuary workers with direct decedent contact
Age Group Bracket:
- 75 years or older, must be Hamilton County resident
- No specific medical conditions are required
Please note, if you register for an appointment and are not in one of the current eligible phases or age bracket, you may be turned away until your tier is open for vaccination. Furthermore, this could cause someone to miss their opportunity and jeopardizes the limited vaccine supply.
Steps to Schedule Your Appointment
- The online appointment system is available 24/7 and will be open until all available appointments are filled.
- The call center will be open Sunday from 9AM-2PM or until all available appointments are filled. The call center is closed Monday, January 18th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Important Things to Know Prior to Appointment
- Do not arrive more than 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment.
- Wear appropriate clothing to get a shot in upper arm
- Bring proof of Hamilton County residency (if applicable)
- Bring proof of Hamilton County employment (if applicable)
- Bring proof of age (if applicable)
- Bring COVID-19 Vaccine Encounter form (if possible; form available for download on registration page)
- Be prepared to wait 20 minutes after shot
- Be prepared for the entire process to take an hour or more
When patients receive their first dose with the Health Department, they will receive a Vaccination Record Card with the following important information. Keep this Card and bring it to the second dose appointment.
• The vaccine manufacturer (either Moderna or Pfizer)
• The date the first dose of vaccine was given
• The date the second vaccine dose is due
Follow these additional resources to know when additional appointment slots open up:
- Health Department COVID vaccination information webpage: http://health.hamiltontn.org/AllServices/Coronavirus(COVID-19)/Vaccine.aspx.
- Follow the health department via their email newsletter and social media accounts, available at this link: http://health.hamiltontn.org/AllServices/Coronavirus(COVID-19)/ConnectWithUs.aspx.